CHASE DTP Monthly Bulletin
CHASE Doctoral Researchers: tell us about your work
We welcome contributions for the CHASE monthly bulletin; events, reports on events/training you've attended, blogs and other items you think the CHASE community will be interested in.
Do you have an article or piece of work that has been published and would like to share? Have you been working on an exhibition and would like to promote it?
Promoting your research is an important part of your work as doctoral researchers, and sharing amongst your CHASE colleagues is an excellent way to increase your reach or find collective interests.
If you have published an article or piece of work in the past year or have an event coming up and would like us to share it in the CHASE bulletin, please email with the subject ‘CHASE Bulletin published [your name]’.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Previous bulletins
Below is an archive of previous bulletins by year. Please note, some links may no longer be available, especially the older ones.
January #2
February #2 -